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Pelvic Floor Therapy in Owen Sound

What is Pelvic Floor Therapy?

Pelvic floor therapy is more common than you think, as it is also something that most people don’t tend to talk about much. Pelvic floor therapy can address the following conditions including:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Incontinence
  • Urinary frequency, urgency, hesitancy, stopping and starting of the urine stream, painful urination, or incomplete emptying
  • Constipation, straining, pain with bowel movements
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Pain during or after intercourse, orgasm, or sexual stimulation
  • Unexplained pain in your low back, pelvic region, hips, genital area, or rectum
  • Pre- and post-pregnancy issues

Why Receive Internal Pelvic Assessments and Treatments?

Our pelvic floor muscles do their job silently, allowing us to function without interruption to assist with bowel function, bladder function, and sexual function. Plus, they contribute significantly to our core strength which allows our low back to function without difficulty. However, most people do absolutely nothing to ensure the good health of these very important muscles. On top of that, many do not even know that these muscles exist, let alone how to keep them healthy and use them appropriately during our daily activities.


Assessing the pelvic floor without doing an internal exam is like a physiotherapist or an orthopedic surgeon doing a knee exam through a pair of jeans. Treating any other part of the body without touching the affected body part to see which muscles are weak or tight, and how the joints move and glide would be completely unacceptable.


The physiotherapist who carries out this work is a highly trained, sensitive professional who will discuss these issues with you thoroughly before carrying out your treatment. Internal palpation is an integral part of treating your pelvic floor and is the gold standard, so accept nothing less.


To schedule a pelvic assessment, contact our friendly team at Bayshore Physical Therapy.

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